Affordable Ghostwriter Service From A Bestselling Author

Helping You to write a Bestselling Book

Turn your thoughts into a novel that you will be proud of with the help of our bestselling author, Mr. Jayanth Dev. Have someone else create your whole book from scratch or give you feedback on your finished work.

About Me!

As a published author of several award-winning best sellers and someone with over 20 years of experience in the field, Jayanth Dev brings his knowledge to the table when you hire him to create a best seller under your name.

Why Choose Us

Elevate your projects with the assurance of over two decades of writing mastery. When you choose me, you choose a seasoned author with 20+ years of invaluable experience. This extensive journey in the world of words ensures not just proficiency, but a deep understanding of the art of storytelling. I bring a wealth of diverse writing skills to every endeavor, from crafting compelling narratives to refining content with precision. Your vision is in capable hands, guided by the insight and finesse that only two decades of dedicated writing can provide. Choose me for a writing partnership grounded in expertise and a passion for delivering excellence.

Craft a narrative that resonates profoundly with your audience by entrusting the creation of your book to us. Our expertise lies in understanding and connecting with your target audience on a deep level. We don’t just write; we tailor every word to evoke a powerful response from your readers. With our commitment to aligning your story with the desires and expectations of your audience, we ensure your book becomes more than a story—it becomes an experience that captivates and leaves a lasting impact. Choose us to transform your ideas into a book that speaks directly to the hearts of your intended readers.

Transform your expertise into a compelling narrative with our book-writing services. We understand the importance of authenticity, and our commitment is to ensure that your book truly reflects your knowledge and experience. From the first page to the last, we craft a seamless narrative that showcases your expertise in a way that resonates with your readers. Choose us to bring your wealth of knowledge to life on the pages of your book, creating a powerful and authoritative piece that leaves a lasting impression. Let your expertise shine through with a book that truly represents the depth of your knowledge.

Before taking your manuscript to the next level, gain invaluable insights from a reader’s perspective with our pre-publishing feedback service. We offer a fresh set of eyes to evaluate your work, providing constructive feedback on elements such as plot, character development, pacing, and overall engagement. This essential step ensures that your writing resonates effectively with your audience, helping you refine and enhance your work before it reaches the wider readership. Trust us to provide the reader’s perspective that could make all the difference in making your manuscript the best it can be. Ensure your book captivates from the very first page—get feedback that matters.


My services are sought after by aspiring writers who want to accomplish various objectives. For some, the pinnacle of professional success is to become known as an expert in their chosen sector. Some people are looking to diversify their income sources. The desire to share one’s stories or views with the world is a universal one. I can assist you with writing and publishing books on a variety of topics if you only tell me what they are.

What are you waiting for? Get intouch now

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