Crafting Your Novel: A Comprehensive Step-by-Step Guide

December 24, 2023 By Jayanth Dev

Embarking on the journey of writing a novel can be both rewarding and immensely enjoyable, yet it often comes with its share of challenges. To circumvent potential struggles, I find solace in meticulous planning, establishing a solid foundation that serves as a guiding beacon throughout the creative process. This approach isn’t exclusive to novel writing for me; it’s a philosophy that permeates all my writing endeavours.

Rather than diving straight into the minutiae of an outline, I prefer commencing with a comprehensive plan—a high-level guide that encapsulates the essence of my storytelling aspirations. Whether tackling a novel during NaNoWriMo or any other writing project, integrating logistical considerations, such as daily word count goals, into the plan is paramount. This not only provides structure but also minimizes disruptions when the narrative inevitably takes unexpected turns.

Navigating the Novel Planning Process

  1. Brainstorming Narrative Elements: Begin your novel planning journey by generating a diverse list of potential story elements. Even if they don’t align with your eventual theme, these brainstorming sessions can spark creativity and offer unique perspectives. Drawing inspiration from personal experiences, especially poignant or humorous moments, can lay the groundwork for compelling stories and characters.
  2. Determining Novel Length: Establishing a preliminary word count target for your novel provides a foundational goal. While the actual count may fluctuate during the writing process, having a baseline helps set expectations. Different genres adhere to varied length norms, and understanding these guidelines can aid in defining the scope of your narrative.
  3. Identifying Global Genre: Avoid the temptation to incorporate every intriguing idea into one novel. Clearly define the global genre of your story to guide your creative choices and maintain cohesion. Recognizing the specific genre allows for focused scene development and provides opportunities to study and draw inspiration from established works in that genre.
  4. Scheduling Writing Sessions: Whether participating in NaNoWriMo or adhering to a personalized timeline, establishing a writing schedule is crucial. Setting manageable daily or periodic milestones contributes to sustained motivation and keeps the creative momentum flowing.
  5. Selecting Writing Tools: Streamline your writing process by carefully choosing and setting up your preferred writing tools in advance. This includes selecting software like Hemingway or Scrivener or opting for traditional pen and paper. Eliminating tool-related distractions enhances focus and aids in maintaining consistency.
  6. Planning Time and Place: Leverage the power of habit formation by consistently writing at a designated time and place. Associate your writing routine with existing habits to facilitate adherence. Minimizing resistance and establishing a writing ritual contribute to a more conducive creative environment.
  7. Organizing Writing Prompts: Preparing a repository of writing prompts, categorized by scenes or beats, can be invaluable when facing creative roadblocks. Utilizing frameworks like the Story Grid can provide built-in prompts, offering guidance and overcoming challenges during the writing process.
  8. Conducting Character Studies: Invest time in crafting character studies for key protagonists and antagonists. Even if not every character is fully realized initially, having detailed studies for primary figures contributes to a strong start and sets the stage for character development.
  9. Establishing Public Accountability: Share your writing plan with a trusted accountability partner or within a community to enhance commitment. Publicizing your goals fosters a sense of responsibility and provides external support during challenging phases.

Formulating Your Plan of Record

Example Plans of Record:

  1. NaNoWriMo Plan of Record:
    “In 30 days, I will write a 50,000-word novel in the Love > Courtship genre, drawing inspiration from my first high school girlfriend. With a daily target of 1,667 words, I aim to craft 33 scenes, sharing my progress with the NaNoWriMo community for accountability and motivation.”
  2. Draft in a Year Plan of Record:
    “My goal is to write a 125,000-word novel in the Action > Labyrinth genre, reminiscent of Ready Player One. Writing 345 words daily, I plan to create 84 scenes, with consistent progress shared using Google Docs and regular updates with my friend Jim.”
  3. Trilogy Plan of Record:
    “Targeting a three-novel trilogy, each at 75,000 words, I aspire to complete the draft of the first within six months. Writing 465 words daily, I plan to craft 50 scenes, utilizing Hemingway as my authoring tool and initiating with high-level outlines for all three books.”

Embracing Discipline for Creative Freedom

While planning may seem like a hurdle, it serves as the antidote to resistance. Discipline in adhering to your plan paves the way for creative freedom, allowing you to shape the novel you envision. Incremental progress, driven by daily victories, transforms the daunting task into a manageable and fulfilling journey.

Transitioning from Plan to Execution

Having formulated your plan of record, the next step involves delving into macro-level considerations. The Global Foolscap Method or the Beat Sheet, each with 15 core scenes, provides a structured approach. Choose a method that resonates with you, for both avenues lead to a tangible plan that monitors progress, sustains motivation, and ultimately guides you to the completion of your novel. Best of luck on your writing adventure!